
Menu Category: Main Dishes

Jumbo shrimp

Jumbo shrimp – Grilled Fried Scampi – LG – 24
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Grilled salmon

Grilled salmon – LG
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Tagine Calamari

Tagine Calamari with Vegetables, Seasoning and Saffron – LG
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Tagine Shrimp

Tagine Shrimp with Vegetables, Seasoning and Saffron – LG
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Tagine Mix Seafood

Tagine MIX SEAFOOD – Shrimp & Calamari LG
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Grilled Marinated Boneless Chicken

Grilled Marinated Boneless Chicken – WHOLE CHICKEN LG
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Grilled Chicken Breast

Grilled Chicken Breast LG
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Feast Mix grill

Feast Mix grill SM – 24 LG- 44 XL 64
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Lamb chops

Lamb chops L – 24
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad

Shawarma chicken

Shawarma chicken S – 8 L – 16
Grilled EGYPT Feast
Served with Rice or Steamed Vegetables & Salad